Weight Gain

Weight Gain

Weight gain is a common concern in psychiatry, and it can be associated with various factors, including psychiatric medications, mental health conditions, lifestyle changes, and physiological factors. 

Psychiatric Medications: 

  • Antipsychotic Medications: Some antipsychotic medications, especially certain second-generation antipsychotics, are known to be associated with weight gain. This side effect can contribute to metabolic changes and an increased risk of conditions like diabetes. 
  • Mood Stabilizers: Certain mood stabilizers, such as lithium and some anticonvulsants, may be linked to weight gain. 
  • Antidepressants: While not all antidepressants lead to weight gain, some individuals may experience increased appetite and weight gain as a side effect. 

How We Can Help:

Addressing weight gain is crucial in my comprehensive psychiatric evaluations as it can contribute to obesity, elevated lipid levels, and heart disease. If weight gain is linked to a specific psychiatric medication, switching to an alternative medication with a lower likelihood of causing weight gain may be considered. In certain cases, a combination of medications can be used to manage psychiatric symptoms while minimizing side effects.

A person standing on a scale with a tape measure in the foreground.